For women with PCOS who want to regain energy, have a period, and improve fertility naturally without birth control or fad diets.

 The PCOS Balance Method Helps Women Who

Want To Get A Handle On Their Fertility, Weight, Hormones And Cycle WITHOUT Birth Control Or Impossible Restrictions.


If managing PCOS once and for all isn’t enough, we’ve added in these FREE bonuses!

Recipe Guides
Over 100 recipes total, divided into guides for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Valued at $100

Supplement Seminar
Held once during the 12 week course, this will be a live seminar discussing popular, evidence based supplements for PCOS. Use the live Q&A to get personalized recommendations from Tracy.

Valued at $200

Metabolism Webinar
A recorded presentation discussing the impacts PCOS has on metabolism and practical steps to jump start it even if it’s been impossible before.

Valued at $200


Get a Free PCOS Food Guide Now from Tracy!


Meal Planning Guide

Sustainable Habits For The Win!

Tracy guides you on the invaluable journey of creating sustainable habits around eating and PCOS. Helping you eat without fear or anxiety and with the awareness of how it will effect your hormones. The best part is the confidence you will have when making choices.

12 Group Coaching Calls

Get Support From Your PCOS Tribe

Never feel like you are going through this alone. Join us for weekly group calls and receive ongoing feedback and guidance. Calls are guided personally by your PCOS expert, Tracy!


9 Modules

Education Without A Medical Degree

Nothing stinks more than a provider telling you in medical jargon or when they don’t explain at all. Tracy explains in simple terms what’s happening with PCOS and how you can manage it naturally without losing your mind.

12+ Action Steps

Action Steps To Implement Into Your Life

Sweet, now you have the knowledge but how to do you actually apply this knowledge to your life? Tracy steps in and lays out clear steps and goals to apply each week as you work through her proven PCOS Balance Method.

  • student testimonal

    “Tracy has given me the knowledge of a better mind-set and empowered me with tools to make better choices and awareness for better health and results. I have gained the confidence to trust myself and improved my mind-set by listening to my body and appreciating my health on a whole new level.“

    - Course Student Corren